Online Process
To form the Village Forest Rights committee through the Gram Sabha and determine the community resources
To register the Village Forest Rights Committee constituted by the Gram Sabha in the ‘VanMitra’ system.
Village Forest Rights Committee and individual claimants to register their forest rights-related claims through an online method.
The Hon. Tehsildar to plan the verification meeting at the Gram Panchayat level for the claims registered with the Village Forest Rights Committee
As per the planned program, the respective officer and the Village Forest Rights Committee inspect the actual location, measure the land using the mobile app, and verify the applications and the pieces of evidence/proof.
Village Forest Rights Committee to mark attendance of the ones present for the verification and to present the result of the verification in regards to the claims.
To call for the Gram Sabha and to pass a Gram Sabha resolution in regards to the community and individual forest rights claims that have been verified
Village Forest Rights Committee and the individual claimants to file claims by scanning the documents necessary in regards to their claims, from the nearest government-recognized computer service center
Forest Rights Committees at the Sub-division level to conduct a common meeting to scrutinize filed claims and to record recommendations in regards to these claims.
The Forest Rights Committees at the district level to conduct a common meeting to give a final decision on the claims recommended by the Sub-division Level Committee.
To distribute the Forest Rights related records/certificates to the claimants who have received the forest rights related approval